Friday, March 6, 2009

Hand removal techniques

Well yesterday was exciting. I was removing parts from my bulldozer frame when WHAM the thing explodes and my hand is numb. The short story is I didn't break anything, but I did some damage. Then I got help and dismantled the rest of the unit. Then we did some real damage when I sent a part through Elliott's window. It landed in the two feet between my house and my car. Did I mention we launched that part almost 40 feet? Well, I lived, but I'm bruised. I have pictures.

My business goes slowly. I am at the point where I need to write things to put on the website and on brochures, but I just am not getting fired up. There are still the issues with supply and the marketing and the testing and the planning and the business plan and the money and the....

The list goes on.


  1. You need to be careful there Dad! You need to stick around to at least meet the grandchildren that I produce for you.

  2. I'm pretty sure even I won't last that long, Ben!

  3. Jeremy wants you to bring him back a liver off the black market (you can get a cheap one, we just want a back-up!)And a house maid would be nice, they cant be that expensive! Tell them you're bringing them to the AMERICA! MAybe it will be free!
