Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 1 in China; Part II: Getting around in Shanghai

Okay so we make it to the airport and they welcome us. That's pretty cool. I wonder how they knew we were comming? This and other questions will be asked and answered during my stay!

Okay, so now we have to go through customs. They asked me the purpose of my visit. I said, "Student". She looked at me and had a very funny look on her face. I had to convince her I was there as a student. I'm not sure she ever bought it, but she let me in! I may not make it back out however...

This is the outside of the airport. Very interesting architecture. It is a very nice building, and very clean inside the airport. Everyone where's uniforms. I mean everyone. Even the janitor has a uniform!

Speaking of arcitecture, check out the bamboo mats they use for walking on the scaffolding. This is standard China construction. I see it all over the city. Very cool. I wonder if this meets OSHA approval? HA HA!

Now it's time to ride..."THE TRAIN"! Doesn't look like much. It's a train with a smooth pointed nose. It cost 40 RMB which is about 6 USD. We buy tickets...

get our luggage onboard and take a seat. Key issue on this ride is to sit facing forward. We're not real sure which way is forward, but we decide this is the direction we will start with.

Good news...we made it! Here is the visual proof. I have two videos that I will download into Part III. I am getting some sort of error message when I try to download them, but it is in Chineese and well...I don't have a clue what is wrong. I am struggling with the blog just trying to do it in English. This is not a very user friendly format if you try to download pictures. they don't go where you want them to go and I have downloaded these pictures more than once trying to get them in and in place and then I delete one and then I get to do it again and then....I am done!

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